Sunday, November 20, 2011

What To Do for Tendonitis Treatment - Doctor or Self Care?

The Different Kinds of Tendonitis

Depending upon which joint you move that is effected by tendinitis will generate many different signs and symptoms. Some of these will include mild swelling, pain and also tenderness. It depends on where the pain is located that really creates a concern. Another concern is depending upon the type of tendonitis you have will determine the tendonitis treatment that is necessary.

Golfers elbow, tennis elbow, swimmers shoulder and jumpers knee are some of the common names that are associated with tendonitis. Depending upon what you have will determine the treatment.

Pain that emerges on the outer side of the forearm (located close to the elbow) when the forearm is rotated or one tries to grab hold of an item is associated with tennis elbow. Achilles tendonitis causes pain to develop right above the heel.

if you are suffering from Adductor tendonitis, you are going to feel a pain in your groin area. Patellar tendonitis is an excruciating pain directly below the knee cap. Shoulder pain can be associated with rotator cuff tendonitis.

Some Tendonitis Treatments

A patient wants to find a treatment that is going to stop the pain from happening over and over again, and also find a way to keep the inflammation down. There are really two trains of thought when it comes to this. One is doctor prescribed and the other is taking care of it at your home yourself.

If the pain and inflammation is severe a doctor may use a corticosteroid injection. Having these injections repeatedly can cause damage and weaken the tendon.

Another tendinitis treatment that is commonly prescribed by doctors is physical therapy sessions as well as exercise. This will help to strengthen the affected muscles and joints. Sometimes when they tendon has been severely torn surgery may become necessary.

The removal of damaged tendons aids in the formation of healthy tissue. Certain patients are lucky enough to gain full function and reduced pain through the repair of a "full-thickness" tendon tear.

Treat Tendonitis at Home

People have used the word RICE to help them treat their tendonitis symptoms at home. The word RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. When mild symptoms are occurring this procedure seems to work very well. Sometimes this procedure can actually avoid additional medical costs.

Lets talk about how to use RICE effectively. First thing you must do is protect the problem area. This can be done using crutches, elastic wraps, splints, slings, and canes. These are just a few of the items that can be used to protect the injured and affect their. What these do is actually promote the healing process and will prevent any additional injury. You must rest the affected area by cutting back on your activities that will make the pain worse and cause more inflammation. Ice is used to help reduce the amount of muscle spasms and also the swelling.

An elastic wrap, such as an Ace bandage, can be used to provide compression. Compression is a means of reducing swelling and keeping the joint in its proper position. In some cases, a splint may be used to keep the joint from moving. Then keep the joint elevated to reduce the blood flow, which will help with swelling and pain.

In many cases, rest and medication helps to lessen the inflammation and pain of tendonitis. A collection of exercises and preventive treatment for tendonitis will help to maintain a normal range of motion regarding the joints.

When your tendonitis symptoms go from mild to severe and the current treatments are not providing relief a more severe approach may become necessary. Surgical restoration of the affected joint may be the best tendonitis treatment. But this would be only a last resort if all else fails.

1 comment:

  1. I am suffering from tendonitis in my main hand/wrist and arm (right) and it is a bit painful and frustrating and reading your blog, I found your post very helpful.
