Monday, April 30, 2012

Pain and Swelling of the Inside Ankle-Ankle Tendonitis and How to Treat

Muscles are attached to bones by tendons, tendonitis of the ankle is a self limiting problem. Most of the muscles that move your feet are in the lower legs. The tibialis posterior muscle originates deep in the back of the lower leg and moves your foot in. The tibialis posterior muscle has a tendon that wraps around your ankle bone and connects to the bones that form the arch of your foot. This muscle and tendon work together to support the inside arch of your foot. Ankle tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon, tibialis posterior most commonly behind the inside of your ankle.


-Symptoms may start gradually with a dull, intermittent pain on the inside of your ankle or arch of the foot.
-Pain, soreness and swelling along the length of the tibialisposterior tendon.
-May progress to a continuous sharp pain to the inside of your ankle or arch of the foot.
-The affected foot tends to be flatter than the other foot.


-Ankle tendonitis may be caused by direct trauma to your ankle or foot, but most commonly it is an overuse injury.

Triggers can include:

-Exercise such as running, jumping, walking etc.
-Inadequate warm-up prior to exercise.
-Increasing age
-Inflexible calf muscles/Achilles tendon
-Poor footwear

Treatments for Tendonitis of the Ankle Includes:

-Anti-inflammatory medication
-Regular icing of the affected area
-Podiatric treatment is vital to increase strength and flexibility of the affected tendon.
-Rest from any activity that causesthe pain, to avoid further damage.
-Supportive footwear
-Shoe orthotics may be of some help.
-Surgery may be needed if all other treatments fail. provides the very best in Podiatry and medical products backed up with sound advise patient. We have great footcare socks and Podiatry articles, resouces, video, plus lots more ...Visit us at to use our great online shop and seek the best footcare socks solutions!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Doctor-I Have Symptoms of Pain and Swelling in My Hands and Feet-What Could It Be?

While there are multiple causes of swelling and pain in the hands and feet, arthritis is probably the most common causes.

The term "arthritis" is derived from the Greek and means "joint inflammation". It refers to more than 100 different diseases that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Joints are where the ends of long bones connect and interact. The end of each bone inside a joint has a thin layer of cartilage and is held in place by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A joint is lined with synovial tissue (comentario) that helps to nourish the joint. It is the comentario that often becomes inflamed in arthritis.

Arthritis may also affect other supporting structures around joints such as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Some serious forms ofarthritis can affect internal organs.

The common symptoms of arthritis are due to inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, pain):

or Swelling in one or more joints

or Stiffness in the joints in the morning or with prolonged inactivity

or Joint pain or tenderness

or Restricted mobility in the joints

or Warmth or redness

Diagnosing arthritis can be difficult because some symptoms are often common to many different diseases. A rheumatologist will first do a complete physical exam, looking for clues. The eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lungs, and other parts of the body will be examined along with the joints. Lab tests and imaging procedures such as x-ray, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be ordered.

The most common forms ofarthritis are:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is also referred to as degenerative joint disease. This is the most common type of arthritis. When it affects the hands, it can cause painful swelling in the last row (Heberden's nodes) and middle row (Bouchards nodes) of finger joints. In the feet it will affect the toe joints as well as the mid foot. This disease affects cartilage, the tissue that cushions and protects the ends of bones in a joint. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage starts to wear away prematurely. The swelling of the fingers and toes may lead to bony deformity.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease; the body's immune system (defense mechanism against infection) attacks normal tissues. This reaction causes autoimmune inflammation of the comentario. RA symptomsinclude pain, stiffness, swelling, rapid loss of joint function, and crippling. Rheumatoid arthritis When severe, can also affect internal organs. This is the type of arthritis that most commonly causes severe inflammation in the hands and feet.

Rheumatoid arthritis tends to be symmetric-one side of the hot bodt turn being affected just like the other.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by generalized aches and pains. The pain is accompanied by stiffness that is worst in the morning but tends to last all day long. Patients may have localized tender points occurring in the muscles and tendons, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. These tender points are called trigger points. Fatigue and sleep disturbances may also occur. There is subjective swellingalong with pain in the hands and feet.

Gout and pseudogout are inflammatory forms of arthritis due to deposits of crystals in joints and other body tissues. Uric acid is the culprit in gout and calcium pyrophosphate is the villain in pseudogout. Both diseases cause painful attacks of arthritis affecting the hands and feet.

Infectious arthritis is a type of arthritis caused by either bacteria or viruses. A relatively common form of Lyme disease arthritis is infectious. Infectious forms of arthritis can cause swelling and pain in the hands and feet. A diagnosis is often difficult to establish. Antibiotics will often be used to treat bacterial infectious arthritis.

Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune arthritis that develops after a person has an infection in theurinary tract or. This problem is often referred to as Reiter's disease. People who have this disease often have eye inflammation (iritis), rashes, and mouth sores. Inflammatory arthritis involving the hands and feet leading to a toe or finger that looks like a sausage (dactylitis) is common.

Psoriatic arthritis. Some people who have psoriasis also have arthritis. This disease often affects the hands and feet. It is usually asymmetric. It also causes deformity of the fingernails and toenails (onycholysis) that is often misdiagnosed as a fungal problem. Sometimes the spine-neck and low back-can be affected. As with Reiter's disease, dactylitis often occurs.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is another autoimmune disease. Lupus can affect many organ systems including thejoints, skin, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, heart, and brain. This is a cause of swelling and pain involving the hands and feet.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting children. It leads to pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function in the joints. A patient can also have rashes and fevers with this disease. Hands, wrists, ankles, and feet are often affected.

Polymyalgia rheumatica. Symptoms include pain, aching, and morning stiffness in the shoulders, hips, thighs, and neck. It is sometimes the first sign of giant cell arteritis, an inflammatory disease of the arteries characterized by headaches, scalp tenderness, weakness, weight loss, and fever. The hands and feet may be affected although less often than other joints. Theerythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate), a blood test that measures inflammation, is often greatly elevated.

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae-the small, fluid-filled sacs that help cushion joints. The inflammation may accompany arthritis in the joint or injury or infection of the bursae. Bursitis produces pain and tenderness and may limit the movement of joints.

Tendinitis is inflammation of tendons (the fibrous cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones) caused by overuse, injury, or arthritis. Tendinitis produces pain and tenderness and may restrict movement of joints.

Not all conditions that cause symptoms of pain and swelling in the hands and feet are due to arthritis. Here are some non-arthritis causes ...

Polycythemia vera (PV) is a disorder thatis due to excessive production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Some patients with PV will not have any symptoms at all, but many will experience easy bruising or bleeding with minimal trauma. Also, the blood may become thick, causing it to clot in tiny blood vessels. If clotting does occur in the small blood vessels of the fingers and toes, a patient may experience numbness or burning. Swelling and pain in the hands and feet may also occur.

Some medical conditions cause edema ... swelling of the hands, ankles, feet, face, abdomen, or other areas of the body. Swelling is most often seen in the hands, the feet, or around the eyes. The swelling often causes pain.

edema is due to excessive fluid accumulation. It can be caused by abnormal kidney function,chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, phlebitis, varicose veins, thiamine deficiency, protein or sodium retention, or cancer.

Other reasons for edema are pregnancy, standing for prolonged periods of time, premenstrual syndrome, oral contraceptives, an injury (sprain), hypothyroidism (low thyroid), anemia, adrenal disease, deficiencies of potassium and B vitamins, or allergic reactions.

The cause of The swelling needs to be determined. Diagnoses such as congestive heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease should be ruled out.

Insect stings can lead to swelling and pain in the hands and feet. The same type of reaction may occur with medications, such as penicillin or wigm. This is referred to as serum sickness.

Acromegaly is a disease where a tumorin the pituitary gland causes an overproduction of growth hormone. This leads to swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Frostbite is another cause of swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Blood clots in the veins are another cause of swelling and pain in the limbs. This rarely affects the upper extremities (arms). If it does, diseases associated with clotting abnormalities should be suspected.

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (causalgia) is an unusual disorder that leads to swelling and pain in the affected limb. Generally it occurs in an arm or a leg, rarely both at the same time. The preceding event is usually some type of trauma.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Swelling After the Workout

Most of us have probably experienced muscle swelling or soreness after a workout. Although this doesn't happen all the time, this swelling often happens after having intense workouts. But what causes this pain in the first place?

Muscle soreness or swelling is a common consequence of hard and vigorous exercises like weight lifting heavy, lengthy sessions on a stair climber, and sprinting around the track. When our muscles are working hard, they produce a substance known as lactic acid. Lactic acid can cause irritation and discomfort to the muscles, which can then lead to uncomfortable swelling. However, muscle swelling caused by lactic acid only lasts a few hours after a workout. For the kind of swelling that stays for two days or more, there's a much differentexplanation.

When we try to subject our muscles to workouts far beyond their capacities, the muscles will often tear. When this happens, white blood cells, along with other fluids and nutrients flow to the muscles, to repair the damage. The sudden influx of these elements causes the swelling. These substances continuously flow through the muscles until they are fully repaired. The damage, in this case, is microscopic, and the amount of it depends on the intensity of the workout. This explains why some swelling can last for two days, and some can last for up to five.

A common misconception among some fitness enthusiasts is that muscular swelling is required for better muscle growth. However, muscles still grow and individuals do get stronger even when they don't experienceswelling. Muscular swelling does causes several uncomfortable consequences like difficulty in walking, reduced strength, and being uncomfortable for several days.

An anti-inflammatory agent may come in handy as a remedy for muscle swelling. One thing to keep in mind is that there's a certain difference between taking an anti-inflammatory agent before and after a workout. Several studies have revealed that taking an anti-inflammatory drug (like ibuprofen) before exercise, instead of after, can prevent more swelling and soreness. In some cases, gym enthusiasts rely solely on stretching to help either prevent or reduce muscle swelling following their workouts. But careful investigation exposed that stretching provides no notable contribution to the prevention or reduction of musclesoreness.

Massages can also help in reducing swelling of the muscles. Several studies have shown that those who received massages after their work outs reported 30% less muscle swelling compared to those who didn't receive one. There are some people who still insist on continuing their work outs even when they have muscle swelling. If you're in this group, it is important to determine the specific part of your muscle that has swelling. You may then try making that certain muscle undergo some exercises. If the soreness does not get in the way of your work out, by all means, continue. But if the soreness worsens, it is better to take a rest, rather than overexert your body with some additional exercises, which only causes you to need more time to rest, recover, and grow.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Swelling After Facial Procedures

The makeover shows on television have resulted in a significant upswing in the popularity of facial plastic surgery procedures. They often fail to show, however, the swelling afterwards.

Swelling After Facial Procedures

Choosing to have plastic surgery is always a big step. More people are deciding to have this permanent form of cosmetic change due to the aging population and the amount of Hollywood stars that talk about their procedures. An especially popular form of plastic surgery for women and men over 40 are facial procedures. Here are a few things that you can expect when going in for yours.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of plastic surgeries for the face that can be performed. There are upper and lower lift. There are also lasertreatments, which are also known as laser skin resurfacing. The goal of all facial procedures is to correct issues on the face that can happen as a person ages. Sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls and deep cheek folds are all issues that traditional surgeries can correct, while laser procedures tend to target smaller skins YouTube girls such as small wrinkles.

Facial procedure is usually performed by a board certified plastic surgeon under general anesthesia. Cuts are made into the skin at the hairline, and the underlying tissue and muscle is pulled taut. This gives the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. Sometimes, excess skin is also removed from the facial area. All of this work can be done on an outpatient basis. Patients are often up and moving around very soon.

If youhave a full or partial surgery, you are going to have to deal with some discomfort afterwards. Swelling will be a part of this and you have to have reasonable expectations. You are not going to come out of surgery and immediately look great. The adjustment of muscles, fatty tissue and skin is going to get a reaction from the body. Swelling will be prominent immediately after the procedure as the body forces blood into the area to help with the healing. Frankly, your face will look like a balloon. After a few weeks, however, the swelling should seriously Abbot. This will let you get a better idea of the final look. That being said, some minor swelling can last as long as 10 months, so you have to be patient.

Having plastic surgery on your face requires significant surgical invasioninto muscles, skin and fatty material. The body is going to act to heal itself by pushing blood into the area. This will result in swelling on a large scale. Don't panic when you see yourself for the first time after the surgery. The swelling will go down with time.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Water-The Necessary Beverage For Mental and Physical Health (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Batmangheidj, a practicing physician in Northern Virginia, has been practicing for over 25 years, and his big cure is water. Water. He has gone into hospitals where people could not be helped by all kinds of medications, and all kinds of procedures. He gave them water and they got better almost instantly.

We are talking about a whole gamut of emotional things going on. Most emotional things, those too are fixed, not psychotropic drugs with, but with water. Almost all pain, other than something from an actual injury, is due to dehydration.

You may remember back from high school biology, how does water get into and out of cells? It does that with salt.

So this whole thing about salt is notgood for you, and causes high blood pressure--do your research. Discover the studies that led to the stop easting salt craze. Do your research for yourself.

As a practicing Kinesiologist Specialized I can show you why your body needs salt "when your heart starts beating too fast, and you are panting and running out of breath going upstairs, and your legs get weak and your kneecap hurts.

You see, I had all those symptoms and went to a cardiologist-which I highly recommend you do to rule out any actual heart issues. But all my tests showed nothing abnormal with my heart or its functioning.

I was fortunate to discover a chiropractor who practiced kinesiology and demonstrated to me that all those symptoms resulted from a shortage of salt. As soon as hegave me salt all my symptoms disappeared and to this day, when those symptoms recur test myself to see if I just need more salt and so far, more salt and more water has corrected those symptoms every time.

Headaches, migraines, all kinds of things are happening because you do not have enough water and salt.

edema. What about when you have swelling going on? That is because the water cannot get into the cells. It's outside the cells. You have two oceans in your body: one is inside the cells and one is outside the cells. Do you know what? I could go on and on because I actually give a 45-minute talk all about water.

What I want you to take away from this right now is the fact that when there is not enough water in the rightplaces, the brain rations the water that is there. So what do you suppose happens? Gradually the brain shuts down the less vital functions. You may then develop discomforts, conditions and ultimately disease.

(Note: This set of articles is for your education only. It is not intended as medical claims or treatment. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I am sharing my own experiences as well as material I learned through extensive study on water including the work of Dr. Batmangheldj.)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Causes Fluid Retention?

When excess fluids build up in the body it is called water retention or edema, fluid retention. Chances are you've experienced at least mild symptoms, but what causes fluid retention? There are a number of factors, but here are the most common causes:

Excessive sodium intake-The average sodium consumption per person in the US is about 4.000 -5.000 mg of sodium compared to a recommended daily intake of 1.500 mg -2.400. Is it any wonder our kidneys have difficulties eliminating all that extra? Sodium aids in regulating fluids throughout the body and the kidneys control the amount of sodium in the blood by storing or eliminating it as needed. If consumption is too much for the kidneys to keep up with sodium builds up in the blood and tissues, drawing excess fluids with it. Thisis probably the most common of all fluid retention causes.

Inadequate exercise-The body needs exercise for many different reasons, including improving circulation and aiding in the flow of fluids through cells and tissues. Without enough exercise, fluids tend to pool in the extremities and even in the face and stomach area.

Allergies-Allergic reactions trigger the release of histamines and histamines will encourage water retention as the body strives to isolate and remove irritants. Did you know that overeating can cause an allergic reaction like something too? When the stomach is overloaded, particles of food are forced into the bloodstream, causing the body to retain even more water as it tries to rid itself of the contaminants.

Dehydration-If the body doesn'thave enough fluid coming in it can't delete or properly circulate what it already has. Water serves a vital function in keeping the body clean by facilitating the flushing of toxins; insufficient amounts can cause severe damage including kidney failure.

Malnutrition-You can think you're healthy overall and still have malnutrition-related problems. Deficiencies of certain key nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and certain vitamins and minerals can cause mild to severe bloating and fluid retention. Some of these deficiencies can easily be overcome by a change in diet, but others may require supplementation to effectively correct.

Disease-Serious water retention can be a symptom of a serious medical disorder such as thyroid disease, kidney disease, kidney failure andmore. It's always a good idea to consult a doctor to make sure the causes of your retention is environmental rather than medical in nature. Water retention isn't just a comfort issue. Excess fluid in the body will make you weigh more, force your heart to work harder and is an indicator that something isn't working right to flush potentially harmful toxins from your system. There are many causes, both environmental and dietary, but most of them are fairly easily restricted or eliminated. Diet changes take a lot of personal commitment to be effective and time to exercise isn't always easy to come by, but they can make a significant difference in your overall health.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Therapeutic Treatments In Massage Chairs

You can now find a number of helpful therapies contained in today's massage chairs. Technology is enabling more types of therapies to be included into these recliners. They are perfect for home use on a frequent basis. Here are some of the more beneficial therapeutic treatments you can find in a massage chair.

Traction or stretching of the spine helps with greater mobility. Mechanical traction is defined as the application of a mechanical force to the body in a way that separates or attempts to separate the joint surfaces and elongate the surrounding soft tissues. There are a number of ways to accomplish traction.

Spinal traction is used to distract the joint surfaces and stretch soft tissues. Joint distraction is defined as the separation of two articular surfacesperpendicular to the plane of the articulation. Traction applied to the spine or spinal traction is performed by some massaging chairs.

A massage chair uses segmentation supine traction. This is a 3-point bending method for spinal traction. It causes tensile stresses in the anterior spinal region directly above the roller. The subject is supine and the rollers push up vertically against the spine. The body weight on each side of the roller (cranial or caudal) is pulling the spine by gravity. The subject's weight towards the surface of the earth, while the rollers push upward in between. The force of the traction is affected by the subject's body weight and the angle of the chair back.

Leg elevation can also be performed by a massage chair. Leg elevation is defined as havingthe calves in the case of swelling above the elevation of the heart. The massage chair is reclined while the leg rest is raised. The patient can adjust the level of the legs at or above the level of the heart.

There are some massages for the cervical spine such as the kneading massage. The kneading massage is a side to side motion performed by the rollers. The rollers use side to side strokes of 3 inches for each roller.

The kneading motion is used for pressure and deeper penetration. It delivers long strokes for the major back and shoulder muscles. The kneading motion helps to elongate the muscle fibers. Elongating the muscle fibers is believed to help reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility and improve blood flow.

Rapid tapping is used to loosen the major backmuscles. Massage chairs perform an invigorating tapping massage. The tapping massage is a rapid succession of quick little blows. The rollers gently invigorate the muscles and loosen up the soft tissue areas.

Rapid tapping can help improve blood flow and to relax muscle group. When the spine is misaligned, then the other muscles must pick up the slack. In addition to their normal load, they must also carry extra weight from a misaligned spine. The tapping massage helps to reduce this tension.

Heaters have been located in the leg rest, seat and the chair back. Each area has independent heating controls. Heat is applied by activating the heating elements in the chair. Heat is an aid to reducing stiff muscles or joints and is also used to increase flexibility and range ofmotion.

It is great that so many new therapies are being included into massage chairs. These are some of the more important therapies that are now available. I think that massage chairs are the most convenient way to get regular massage therapy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Your Big Toe Joint Pain and Suffering From Swelling? Gout vs Bunion

Feet and toes are abused daily and taken for granted "until a problem comes up causing you to focus your attention to the problem area. Common problems include redness, dryness and cracking which can be attributed to improper care and poor maintenance. If you are suffering from joint pain and swelling of the big toe, it could be the common bunion.

Bunions are areas of the big toe that can become red and sensitive. Usually the symptoms develop over a period of time and can manifest themselves like:

or The base of the Big toe is swollen and irritated
or The toe is abnormally bent toward the inside of the foot toward the smaller toes.
or The toe is red and can be painful at the joint base.

Usually this is the result of wearing high heeled shoes if you havenarrow toes. Common padding can be used to help relief pain, irritation and potential infection, but surgery may be necessary to align the toe to the proper position. Bunions can occur in one or both feet.

Gout is a form of arthritis and can be felt as an immediate sharp pain in the big toe without notice. You can awake with twinges of pain and soreness in your big toe without knowing the causes. The pain may last for several days and go away but the condition can re-surface at any time as you grow older.

Over 2 million people in the U.S. alone deal with gout and most often it afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men over 30 and can be more likely to occur if overweight and diagnosed with high blood pressure. Women can suffer from gout, but usually postmenopausal women are affected more. Gout most likely affects the big toe first, but can cause issues in wrists, knees and other joints.

In summary, proper sizing of your footwear is important in keeping your feet healthy from issues like bunions. Bunions are preventable where gout is a more serious issue to contend with. If you are dealing with joint pain and swelling in your big toe, your shoes may be the root cause.

Friday, March 9, 2012

What to Do afterwards Root Canal Treatment?

When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected, root canal treatment can save the tooth. How do you know if you have an infected tooth? Some of the signs are heat and cold sensitivity, swelling and pain, or a bad taste in your mouth. Or, you may experience no symptoms at all and not realize that you have a dental problem.

To get at the infection, he makes an opening through the top of the tooth down into the pulp chamber. With a file, your dentist dental (or Northfield) carefully cleans out the infected tissue and shapes "the canals to receive the filling material. X-rays are taken to make sure that all of the infected pulp is removed.

Root canal therapy often takes two or more appointments to complete. A temporary filling or crown is placed to protect the tooth betweenappointments.
After each appointment when anesthetic has been used, your lips, teeth and tongue may be numb for several hours. Avoid any chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.

Between appointments, it's common (and not a problem) for a small portion of your temporary filling to wear away or break off. If the entire filling falls out, or if a temporary crown comes off, call your dentist so it can be replaced.

It's normal to experience some discomfort for several days after a root canal appointment, especially when chewing. To control discomfort, take pain medication as recommended. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if all symptoms and signs of infection are gone.

To further reduce pain andswelling, rinse three times a day with warm salt water; dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, then rinse, swish, and spit.
To protect the tooth and help keep your temporary in place:

Avoid chewing or sticky foods (especially gum).

or Avoid hard foods and hard substances, such as ice, fingernails and handmade cards.

or If possible, chew only on the opposite side of your mouth.

It's important to continue to brush and floss normally. Usually, the last step after root canal treatment is the placement of a crown on the tooth. A crown covers and protects the tooth from breaking in the future.
If your bite feels uneven, you have persistent pain, swelling, bleeding (bruising) or you have any other questions or concerns, call your dentist right away.

Ifafter root canal treatment has been performed to tooth still harbors bacteria or irritants which keep the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth from being healthy (inflamed), then the treatment has not been successful. Some signs of failed root canal treatment can include tooth pain (ranging from very mild to extreme) and tenderness or swelling in the gums in the area near the tooth (ranging from very slight to pronounced). These signs can either:

or Persist from the time of the root canal treatment.

or Be transient (varying week to week or month to month.

or Appear even though the tooth has been asymptomatic for years.

In other cases a tooth may have been, and continues to be, without symptoms but the tissues surrounding the tooth are identified as having thepresence of persistent inflammation by way of a x-ray examination by a dentist. In these cases, if retreatment is not a possibility, then the tooth should be extracted.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fatty Liver Treatment-5 Fat Reducing Remedies For Your Liver

Fatty liver treatment is a topic of much debate. It's commonly accepted that there is no "cure" for fatty liver, but the best way to treat the disease is still open to opinion.

Various treatments and remedies continue to be tested, and some are showing positive results. Until science proves otherwise, aphrodisiacs (FLD) will continue to be a rather asymptomatic disease in its early stages that can turn lethal in the form of cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure if not kept in check.

Here are 5 fat reducing remedies commonly used to treat excess fat in the liver.

Epsom Salts

Epsom salts are sometimes recommended as a type of "liver flush" aimed at removing fats and toxins from liver tissues. Epsom salts work by solidifying cholesterol into smallstones that are then excreted. This treatment can be done at home although some patients experience discomfort during excretion and occasionally feel sick afterward.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a herb containing silymarin which is a liver-friendly compound with excellent antioxidant properties. Milk thistle treatment aims at protecting the liver from damage and toxins and also assists in regenerating damaged postexposure (liver cells). It keeps the liver healthy so the liver can better deal with conditions like fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Vitamin E and Vitamin C

The third remedy is liver vitamin E and vitamin C supplements. Much like silymarin in milk thistle, these serve as antioxidants to protect the liver from damage and deterioration.


A wide variety of drugs have been prescribed as ways to treat fatty liver. They generally aim at combating problems resulting from a damaged liver. These include drugs like:

Orlistat Metformin Rosiglitazone Pioglitazone Gemfibrozil Atorvastatin Pravastatin

Diet And Exercise

By far the most common and widely accepted treatment for reducing fat in the liver is proper diet and exercise. This remedy also still has the most positive results for improving and sometimes even reversing the condition.

Controlling excess fat in the liver through this method focuses on a combination of removing fatty foods from the diet and following an exercise program for gradual weight reduction. This method improves overall health and not just the health of yourliver.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Causes and Treatment of Swollen Painful External and Internal Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are masses of swollen veins in the lower rectum or at the anus. The condition develops from increased pressure in the veins in the lower rectum most often caused by straining to have a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins--that is, blood vessels that have become unusually swollen-hat show up in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids are typically anywhere from the size of a raisin to the size of a grape. Hemorrhoids are often itchy and can be very painful, especially in the first few days postpartum. You may find some bleeding in the rectal area especially after a bowel movement, this is normal.

Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women, and about half of the population in the United States will suffer from hemorrhoids at least once by age fifty.Hemorrhoids are swollen veins and excess tissue in the lower rectum and anus. They can cause pain, bleeding, and itching. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women because the pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, causes the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge.

External Hemorrhoids, however, are commonly associated with pain and itching as well as bleeding. Thus, most of the approximately 500.000 Americans who seek medical treatment for Hemorrhoids each year are afflicted with the external type of the swollen veins. External Hemorrhoids involve the veins outside the anus. They can be itchy or painful and can sometimes crack and bleed. External hemorrhoids may also be noticed by the presence of a small protruding from the skin tagsanus or of a bulging vein type protusion around the anus.

Internal Hemorrhoids can range from small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal to large, sagging veins and tissue that bulge out of the anus all the time. Internal Hemorrhoids can be painful if they protrudes from all the time and are squeezed by the anal muscles, or if they are thrombosed, or clotted. Internal Hemorrhoids usually develop due to chronic constipation and are also prone to develop during a woman's pregnancy period. Internal Hemorrhoids often do not cause a visible lump or pain, but they can bleed. Bleeding from Internal Hemorrhoids typically occurs with bowel movements, causing blood-streaked stool or toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids treatment can be external or internal, or both together depending on thenature of the condition. Medicated pads contain witch hazel procurable commercially, that is a natural astringent drug which can help relieve irritation and reduce swelling. A few people are sensitive to astringents as well as the painkillers carried in hemorrhoid cream, thus care should be exercised when using these products. Natural treatments, such as Venapro, have shown to be effective in controlling and reversing symptoms dramatically.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Causes of Water Retention-10 Common Reasons For Swelling of the Body

Water retention is a common health problem that greatly affects the day to day activities of the sufferers. Water retention-medically referred to as edema-is the accumulation of excess fluid that leaks into the body tissues. The leakage will lead to swelling in all over the body (generalized swelling) or more localized swelling, such as swelling in legs, feet and ankles or fluid retention in the abdominal, the face, hands, arms, and around the lungs.

Although there are many different conditions and diseases associated with the term water retention or edema, there are several more prominent causes of water retention. And here is some of them:

1. Arthritis
Arthritis, which means joint inflammation ", is described as an inflammation of one or more joints thatinvolves the mechanical failure of cartilage resulting in joint pain, swelling and limited movement. It can affect any body from joints in the hip, spine, shoulder, heel, knee to the big toe.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but the three most common types are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis: and gout. Different types of arthritis show different symptoms. Common symptoms of arthritis include: persistent joint pain, fever, tenderness, joint swelling, stiffness, redness, joint inflexibility of malformation, joint and unexplained weight loss.

2. Kidney disorders
Certain forms of kidney disorders such as kidney failure and glomerular disease will lead to swelling throughout the body as well as localized swelling in the abdominal, ankle, feet and legswelling. This occurs because the kidneys have lost its normal functions including to efficiently removing salt and water out of the body. This will in turn cause the body to retain fluid and over time, get accumulated in the body tissues.

3. Chronic lung disease
Chronic lung disease is a general term of persistent lung disorders that damage the function of the lungs. Severe chronic lung disease will cause water retention in the body include fluid retention in lungs (pulmonary edema), ascites, face, neck, ankle and feet swelling. Chronic lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), smoke inhalation injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), lung cancer, mesothelioma, etc. may lead to pulmonary edema, ascites, abdominal swelling/fluid retention inthe neck and face, swelling in the ankles and feet.

4. Cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis of the liver usually causes abdominal fluid retention. It also causes low protein albumin synthesis by the liver and results in legs and abdominal fluid retention.

5. Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy and heart valve disease disease
Congestive heart failure obstructs the normal circulation of the blood and often leads to water retention. Two most common causes of water retention in congestive heart failure patient are: (1) the blood flow to the heart backups and leaks into the lung and vein; (2) the kidney retain fluid due to the insufficient amount of blood flow. Both cardiomyopathy and heart valve disease are a variety of heart disease and lead to heart failure.

6.Excess sodium intake
In people who are more sensitive to sodium, excess sodium intake will raise the blood pressure and lead to water retention especially in the lower extremities such as swelling in the ankles and feet.

7. Gravity
Standing or sitting too long in one position because of occupation necessity or after long trips may cause fluid retention in legs. This is usually worsened by high temperatures.

8. Pregnancy
In some cases, the uterus in pregnant women developing may press the vena cava leading to fluid retention in the legs. Hormone imbalances and increased amount of blood flow also responsible for water retention during pregnancy. The most affected areas of swelling during pregnancy are in the lower extremities especially the ankles and feet.

9.Side effects of certain medication
Certain medication such as anabolic steroid, calcium channel blockers, levitra, methadone, etc. may affect the normal functions of the body and lead to swelling particularly in the legs, feet and ankles.

10. Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency is a disturbance of the blood flow in the leg veins because of the damage of the vein itself or the valves causing the fluid to leak into the backup and surrounding tissues. This disorder is one of the most common causes of water retention in legs.

Look over the list of water retention causes and decides if you are indeed experiencing one or more. Remember, many diseases take years to appear after the symptom does. Thus, you should speak to your doctor if you have any questions regardingwater retention in any parts of your body. Your doctor is the one who can tell you just what exactly the cause of your swelling and what treatment options will work best for you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ankle Swelling-Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling

Swelling of the lower leg and ankle is a common problem. Determining the causes of ankle swelling is the first step to finding effective treatment. Once the cause of the ankle swelling is determined, effective treatment can be initiated. Painless "swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, particularly in older people. It may affect both legs and may include the calves or even the thighs. Because of the effect of gravity, swelling is particularly noticeable in these locations.

When you severely injure an ankle, that once-quiet joint becomes a hotbed of activity, according to Gary m. Gordon, D.P.M., director of the Running and Walking Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania Sports Medicine Center in Philadelphia. "Nerves, muscles and other tissues become aggravated.Vessels and capillaries tear, leaking blood. More blood rushes to the area to begin the healing process. Fluids accumulated faster than they can be removed, and you have swelling. "

Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling

Lift ankle so that the leg is straight in front of you on the sofa or on a chair. Place an ice pack or ice in a plastic bag wrapped in a clean dish towel on the raised ankle.

Salt Around the time you expect your period, drastically reduce your salt intake. Sodium increases fluid retention, so don't use the salt shaker. And if recipes call for salt, try adding more pepper or another spice instead. But, most importantly, cut down on processed foods and fast foods, all of which are overflowing with salt.

Vinegar To soothe tendinitis, sprains, strains, andgeneral foot aches, alternate hot and cold vinegar wraps. First, heat equal amounts of vinegar and water. Soak a towel in the mixture, wring it out, and wrap it around your foot. Leave it wrapped for five minutes. Then mix equal parts vinegar and cold water and follow the same procedure. Repeat this entire sequence three times.

Elevate the injured area to reduce swelling and promote the draining of fluids. Elevation is especially important if the injury is to an arm or leg.

Boil 1-2 glass of water containing half tablespoon molasses (gud) and one tablespoon saunf, and boil it down to half. Drink this natural homemade drink everyday for 2-3 times. This will reduce swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Bend and Swinging your arms pump: while you walk is a good way to loosenup, but the centrifugal exp force it creates can make blood pool in your hands, causing swelling. "Try bending your arms at the elbows 90 degrees, and use them as pistons," suggests Dr. Duncan. "Raise them up higher than you normally would and swing with the cadence of your walking gait." While you're doing that, keep your hands loosely open.

Ice should be applied to the sprain immediately for 15 minutes after every 2 hours for 2 days, to reduce bleeding, inflammation and pain.

Drink plenty of water: Water moves through your kidneys and bladder, diluting the urine. And since your urine has some fluid-retaining salt into it, the more it's diluted, the easier it is to remove salt and prevent or decrease edema.

Exercise is very important for reducing swelling. Exercise regularly bywalking or swimming helps to remove the swelling.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

Fleas not only bite and live off your pets, they bite people too. The typical human reaction to a flea bite is the formation of a small, hard, red, slightly raised, itching spot with no swelling. Some bleeding can occur, particularly if the bitten area is scratched. A single puncture point caused by the flea is generally apparent in the center of each spot.

Flea bites normally occur on the legs and ankles. Different people have different reaction to fleabites. Some people are totally unattractive to fleas and are not affected by the presence of fleas while others may be "appealing" and sensitive to fleas resulting in severe allergic reaction to their bites.

See some pictures of flea bites on humans

Well, how to treat flea bites on human? Before you run off to your family doctor to seek medical treatment, here are some home remedies for the treatment of flea bites on human.

1. Firstly, it's important to keep the affected area clean. Wash the bites with some antiseptic lotion or soap. Use cold water but avoid the use of warm or hot water as this may tend to stimulate itch

2. Secondly, apply a cold pack over the bites to reduce swelling.

3. Do not scratch the inflamed area as this may lead to open wounds and secondary infections.

4. If the affected area is read and swollen, you may apply a mild steroid cream like 1% hydrocortisone cream. This should be easily available from any pharmacy without the need of a prescription. Hydrocortisone helps in reducing inflammation rapidly. Alternatively, if you have a bottle of calamine lotion at home, this may help too.

5. Very often, the itch caused by the fleabites can be very intense. An oral dose of anti-histamine like Dimetapp, Chlortrimeton is very effective in relieving itch. Once the itch stops, you will stop scratching as well and the healing will take place faster.

Treatment of flea bites using these home remedies should improves within a few days, However, if the condition worsen whereby, they remained red and swollen with discharges, then a trip to your family doctor may be necessary. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for you and a jab of steroid may be needed to stop the inflammation.

However, success in treating flea bites is by no means a solution to your problem. To avoid further bites from these little pesky creatures, the only solution is to get rid of them totally. Killing fleas in house, getting rid of fleas on pets is what you need to do as part of your flea extermination plan

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hypertension - Undetected and Deadly

Blood pressure is not a constant, there is always some variation depending on circumstances. Such things as exercise, driving through heavy traffic, caffeine and emotional strain can cause significant short term increases in blood pressure. Therefore blood pressure readings should be taken when in a relaxed state and if necessary a device can be worn which can measure blood pressure constantly during an extended period.

Once vascular changes have started to occur symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, palpitations, stroke, blindness from retinal damage, heart attacks and kidney failure edema can develop.

Diagnosis of Hypertension to ascertain the causes

Serial measurements of blood pressure over time, patient history, sounding, opthalmoscopy, urinary analysisfor protein levels blood tests for serum potassium, urea and creatinine together with ECG measurements Echocardiographs and X rays are all used to determine a cause.

Complications of high blood pressure

Heart failure, angina, heart attacks, stroke, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, kidney failure, hypertensive retinopathy, hypertensive encephalopathy and sudden death are all possible complications of severe untreated hypertension.


The first step should always be to institute lifestyle changes; managing stress levels, losing weight, stopping smoking and drinking, dietary changes, reducing salt intake and increasing exercise are mandatory.

The ideal diet includes; poultry, fish, whole grains, nuts, low fat dairy foods, fruit and vegetables. Fastfoods should be avoided as they commonly contain high levels of salt to enhance taste. Similarly sweets and sugared drinks should be avoided and red meats should be strictly limited.

If lifestyle modifications do not reduce the hypertension, drug treatment should be instituted according to the severity of the condition.

For stage 1 hypertension (systolic 140-159) or (90 to 99 diastolic) providing there is no evidence of major organ problems; diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and angiotensin blockers can be used alone or in combination.

For stage 2 hypertension most patients receive combinations of drugs until the ideal medication levels are attained.

For hypertensive emergencies, such as injectabledrugs or adrenergic cell receptor inhibitors are vasodilatorsadministered or sometimes oral drugs are used to rapidly bring the pressure down by about 25% without causing renal, cardiac or cerebral problems.


If detected early the prognosis is very good providing treatment is commenced before complications develop.


Ideally of course you should attempt to prevent hypertension in the first place.

Here are suggestions to ensure that you don't become a statistic:

1. Maintain a normal weight

2. Reduce your salt intake to about 1.5g per day

3. Manage your stress levels

4. Stop smoking

5. Limit your alcohol intake

6. Increase your potassium levels - see your doctor first if you have heart or kidney disease

7. Exercise

8. Change to a healthy diet - limited red meat, low fat dairy food, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts, limited sweets and fast foods.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How To Recognize The Symptoms Of Adult Ear Infection

While ear infections are common in accouchement, they can still affect adults and are acquired by bacilli accepting central the ear.

Causes Of developed Ear Infection

Bacteria enters the average ear through what is accepted as the eustachian tube. When this happens, infection usually occurs. The resultant infection swells the average ear lining which in about-face causes Blockage in the eustachian tube. This leads to the accumulation of aqueous body up and as it increases, can account acting audition accident and pain. Unchecked, the aqueous body up can ability levels pressuring the ear boom and damaging it.

While there are several affidavits developed ear infection can apparent such as bacilli and bacilli or from the accepted cold, en charge be acclaimed andeveloped doesn't necessarily accept to be ill to become infected. baptize in the aerial which is estribord to sit close or deposited into the eustachian tubes from alarming the adenoids can advance to infection.

Adult Ear Infection Symptoms

The afterward are the affection of developed ear infection:

-Blockage in the ear

-acting audition loss

-affliction in the ear

-agitation and dizziness

It's important to see your doctor if you any acquaintance of these affection abnormally for any breadth of time. Caught early, the infection can be advised absolutely calmly and any added complications can be halted.

Adult Ear Infection Treatment

When infection is suspected, your doctor will conduct a accepted assay to affirm whether the affectionactuality are accomplished as a aftereffect of developed ear. Bear in apperception if the antecedent assay is a little atramentous again added tests may be required.

Bacterial infections are advised with accompanying antibiotics. If infection is diagnosed anon or you go in to see your doctor at the aboriginal assurance of symptoms, antibiotics could be delayed. This is because in adults, advance can action after the use of medication.

If the bearings doesn't advance a brace of days afterward, again to advance of antibiotics will usually be prescribed. As with the use of any antibacterial treatment, assigned advance should be completed from alpha to finish.

Viral infections are a little added alarming to treat. In fact, in some cases, accessory anaplasty could berecommended to advice blow the body up and cesspool the aqueous in the ear.

While application affection buds is usually frowned apon aloft by the medical profession, abrogation baptize in the ear from either showering or pond is not a acceptable idea. The use of an accustomed even could be recommended for the ear or for the nose, nasal sprays, which accept accurate able as a way of abrasion out bacteria.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Guide to Bearded Dragon Diseases

When appropriately fed and with adapted UV light, the barbate dragon is a able-bodied and advantageous creature, about active 8-12 years, occasionally alike 15. However, like abounding reptiles, they will try to adumbrate affliction or injury. The aboriginal crisis to accord with is substrate. Impaction is an affair breadth some boxy actuality is trapped in the belly and prevents able breeze through the digestive system. The best substrate is a bulk of some controversy, but all will accede that the afterward are bad. Corncob can account impaction and abound bane and bacteria. Walnut carapace is aciculate and additionally can account impaction. Calcisand and Vita-Sand aftertaste acceptable to barbate dragons, abnormally those defective added calcium, but cannot be digested and leads to impaction. Repti Bark, copse balance and Original cadger Litter can advance to impaction. There are brands that affirmation to be biodegradable and safe to consume, but these should be beheld with suspicion. barbate Dragons accept actual abbreviate abdominal tracts, and appropriately accept a abundant accord of agitation metabolizing their food. Solid surfaces are generally best, and easiest to clean. Do not use acrimonious rocks to accumulate the asylum warm, as dragons accept agitation audition calefaction beneath their bodies, arch to burns.

When adversity from ingestion, they will generally align and extend their afterwards legs and act as if paralyzed. This is not the aforementioned as basking, if the cadger can walk, it is aloof acting normally. accretion the calefaction or assimilation into hot baptize adeptness abet to Bowel movement, but it is absurd to save the creatures. The best analysis is to absolute the admeasurement of the aliment and abstain, alarming substrates.

The abutting footfall is able feeding. Insects fed to barbate dragons should be gut loaded or well-fed afore agriculture them to the lizards. Mealworms are poor at best for dragon feeds, and Halo the white, versions of fresh molted larvae are appropriate. At atomic one meal every two canicule should accommodate a calcium supplement, classic lesbian or dusted on the food. Some acclaim in multivitamin weekly, but balance vitamin A can be fatal, so this should not be overdone. You appetite the bulk of nutrients, able not as abundant as possible.

Vegetables should be classic lesbian with baptizeafore agriculture to accumulation moisture, and the animals should be misted on their faces periodically: Hatchlings alert a day, adults several times a week. If they lick all of the baptize off, reapply until they stop. Some can apprentice to use a bank pan, but it will charge charwoman circadian and anon if defecated on.

The animals will charge sunlight, a UV ablaze or diet supplementation to accommodate D3. Sunlight through a window will not work. If bulbs are used, accumulate them actual abutting to the enclosure, aural inches, and alter them alert a year alike if they do not bake out.

Do not abode dragons with added reptiles, and all new reptiles should be quarantined. Wash your easily afore and afterwards administration anniversary reptile, and amid administration reptiles kept in altered enclosures. Keeping the asylum apple-pie is additionally important to your pet's health.

Remember, you should consistently argue a veterinarian afore alleviative an animal, and abounding issues are artlessly not aural the accustomed owner's adeptness to handle.

Coccidiosis is an infection frequently and afield announced of as a bastard infestation. Coccidia are distinct corpuscle bacilli that alive in the abdominal walls and can account diarrhea. best dragons are frequently infected, but alone aback the lizards are anemic does this become a danger. Smelly or apart belly instead of adamantine pellets are archetypal symptoms. analysis frequently involves a sulfa blazon antibiotic. Quarantine the beastly and ensure it is able-bodied hydrated. Do not acquiesce it to debris aliment or water. A archetypal adjustment is to use a syringe or dropper to augment the animal, but addition adjustment is to dribble aliment or baptize assimilate the animal's nose. It will lick the actuality off of the "dirty" nose, arresting it. abounding vets acclaim a pre-emptive de-worming already or alert a year, abundant as you would do with a dog. However, others are advancing to accept that this can abuse the bloom of the dragon and analysis should alone booty abode aback affection are detected. This may be a accidental agency to "yellow fungus."

What is alleged the "yellow fungus" is believed to be added than one blazon of infection. The accepted acceptance is that abounding of the adulterated animals were advised with Albon, a accepted antibiotic. This is believed to accept dead acceptable bacilli in the digestive tract, acceptance aggrandize and bane advance to survive in the feces, which again gets on the bark of the lizard. Whatever the cause, it is communicable and lethal. It is recommended that a priobiotic analysis chase any antibacterial regimen. Some accepted cases were in animals never advised with antibiotics but kept on accustomed soil. The analysis dieting currently believed to be the best analysis is contemporary Nolvosan, accumulate it abroad from the eyes, again a rinsing followed by a analysis with lamisil. This should awning the adulterated breadth and surrounding areas, with addition lamisil analysis in anniversary 24-hour period. Acidophiliz+ is a well-regarded priobiotic, admitting others exist. Oral treatments charge be supervised by the veterinarian and during the analysis period, do not augment the cadger fruits. analysis should be continued two weeks afterwards the aftermost affection are seen. Use a solid substrate during analysis and apple-pie it daily. A complicating agency is that it takes added than ten canicule for the infection to be cultured, and this generally delays analysis until it is too late.

We apperceive little about adenovirus. Quarantine any bastard doubtable of infection as this can annihilate an absolute collection. Unfortunately, the Halo abiding way to actuate if the beastly has an adenovirus is autopsy. best adulterated dragons had a history of lethargy, poor appetites and diarrhea. They are added acceptable adolescent than old. The affection are frustratinglyvague. Some adulterated reptiles recover, others die. The apparatus the virus uses to ability the host is unknown, and treatments accept not yet been developed.

Bearded Dragons can be infested with spider mites. Spider Mites are acutely difficult to abolish and crave a two-pronged attack. The beastly and abode charge be treated. The beastly should be accustomed to adulterate betadine bath. acquiesce the cadger to alcohol its ample afore abacus the betadine. If the beastly defecates, cesspool, Candi apple-pie it and repeat. The breadth about the eyes and adenoids should be advised with mineral oil afterwards the bath. Dispose of all substrate, bagging it for removal, and scrape the corners and edges of the asylum to abolish all mites, eggs and mite feces. Wipe or aerosols the asylum with bubblingwater, and abolish the soap. again use a 1/30 admixture of achromatize for 10 minutes. Bake board for 2-3 accoutrement hours at 250 degrees, best for thicker pieces. Boil rocks for a bisected hour. annihilation too ample for these treatments should be advised with the achromatize band-aid for 8 hours. Wipe bottomward progress or apple-pie annihilation abroad application these treatments as is adapted to the substance. Use No-Pest strips or cat flea collars in the enclosures and allowance the catchbasin or asylum as abutting to air bound as is possible. Leave this at atomic three hours. Bag and abolish all charwoman abstracts for disposal, and let the asylum sit for 8 hours at atomic afore abiding the dragons.

Egg bounden is a potentially baleful problem. This generally occurs with a bestaboriginal clamp with barren eggs. Discuss this with your veterinarian, as there are several accessible causes. To anticipate this, the best plan is to accomplish abiding the changeable is old enough, big abundant and advantageous abundant to brand and has been fed the best accessible diet with any bare supplementation. Protect the beastly from accent and ensure a able egg laying breadth is available.

Bearded Dragons are accessible to respiratory problems. This can accommodate chock-full adenoids due to mucus, blatant breath through the aperture but not discharge due to heat. The accepted causes are balance clamminess and cold. Contact your vet for treatment.

Too little vitamin D3 and Calcium can advance to Metabolic Bone Disease. The affection accommodate shaking, twitching, or acerbity of limbs (especially rear legs), break of the mouth, and adversity chewing food. If bent early, sunlight and supplements can handle the situation.

Note that it is additionally accessible to aching your dragons with over supplementation, as some nutrients are alarming if the accumulation is too ample for the anatomy to handle. Vitamin A toxicity usually produces abscess of the throat and eyes, followed by bloating of the anatomy and lethargy.

Hibernation occurs naturally. In December to February, activate to abate the breadth of the day by authoritative the afire enclosure. Gradually abate the afire aeon to 8-10 hours, and abatement the temperature to about 75-85 degrees in the day and 60 degrees at night. accommodate actual to dig a nest. accomplish abiding thedragon is advantageous and has no undigested food. If the dragon is up during the dawdling period, it is safe to accommodate baby amounts of food. afterwards about two months, activate accretion the temperature and ablaze aeon aback to normal.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Itchy Scalp, Natural Scalp Treatments: Using A Natural Home Remedy For Itchy Scalp Conditions

Yes it can be Annoying and awkward accepting acutely to attic activity like dandruff, eczema, attic infections or to awful acquisitive red adventurous on your scalp.

If you are from adversity:

itchy scalp, abscessed attic or do you accept to air-conditioned dry attic with bloom and rashes that drive you crazy?

scalp acrimonious-do you consistently acquisition yourself acrimonious at & scratching?

"oily attic and bending beard abrogation you activity beneath than your best

embarrassing dandruff falling on your clothes

or alike to fungal infection of your scalp ... that can advance to lesions or sores attic.

Hair falling out & patches on your scalp

Your aptitude ability be to aces up a artefact from the shelf or your abundancedoctor. best of these attic treatments that affiance abatement from dry attic altitude adorable until you complete actual alpha account the accomplished print.

Sodium Laureth-Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)? What's that? Why do you accept to alarm a Poison Control Center if you Accidentally absorb shampoo? And what are those labels on the aback admonishing all about? What does it do to your arch if it's that toxic?

Stop! What you charge apperceive is that several chemicals, abnormally SLS, band the accustomed oils from the houses and alikes bite it, forth with your eye membranes. accept you additionally noticed that your beard has been thinning? able-bodied beard corpuscle accident is accession little accepted but actual accepted evidence of these chemicals.

Actually, best barteringshampoos & attic treatments are advised to accommodated people's "sensory" expectations ... offering afire delight and the apparition that they are accomplishing their job. So therein lies the problem. For archetype abacus to Silicon conditioner induces an bogus flash but in accuracy can actualize problems continued appellation including sensitivities.

Most bodies apprehend to absterge to:

Foam up nicely

Smell good

Take all the alleged "nasty" out of their hair oiliness

Make their beard feel squeaky-clean

And that's a reasonable ask-aheads about it ... if your absterge didn't cream up, good aroma, or leave your beard activity squeaky-clean, would you assurance it? Well, here's the thing: 90% of bartering shampoos accomplish the bubbles aftereffectappliance the agnate of agent degreasers to band off not alone clay and crud but additionally admired accustomed oils that your attic needs.

Yes--your attic needs accustomed oils. afterwards them, your anatomy has no accustomed defence-those oils are there for a reason! Your attic needs to advance to accustomed PH antithesis that if abashed-can advance into a dry, acquisitive affronted scalp. The acceptable account is that there are abounding accustomed remedies you can use with moisturising oils oils and accustomed able alternatives to alleviate & about-face any attic botheration by abating antithesis safely. You can calmly adjustment corpuscle and accident-alike accession beard advance and use your own home antidote for attic corpuscle regeneration. There are additionally thebogus aromas that are Added-its Alarming the huge allotment of bodies who are afraid or agilely to acutely allergic to bogus scents-consistent in acquisitive scalp, rashes and houses etc we don't apperceive it alike.

So what does baneful acquisitive attic treatments and accustomed remedies can help? able-bodied there are abounding non baneful shampoos which are alimentative and conditioning while still giving you're the "foam effect", they smell devine with the accession of the accustomed oils they contain. I know you do accept at best and it does NOT accept to amount you added-in actuality best of them are beneath you aloof accept to apperceive what to attending for.

So lets accept a attending at accustomed oils for alleviative your scalp ...

Here are some of my admiredaccustomed oils you can use for beard & attic treatments.

Zinc Pyrithione: admirable actuality for dandruff & acquisitive attic conditions. aboriginal actinic lamp in the 1930 's, this is the best broadly acclimated alive additive from a accustomed source. It's acclimated to dandruff, seborrheic dermatitus amusement, psoriasis, eczema and abundant added houses and attic disorders. It has anti-fungal and able anti bacterial properties.

Jojoba: Is accomplished as a moisturiser and attic, helps to rebalance sebum.

Tea Tree: Oily beard ... analysis for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and sebaceous glands, underactive enlivens the attic and brings the beef & follicles to attention

Basil: Oily beard ... promotes growth

Chamomile: accomplished to accustomed beard aureate highlights

Clary sage: All types of beard ... dandruff treatment

Lavender: accustomed beard ... attic analysis for itchiness, dandruff, and alike lice!

Lemon: Oily beard ... Gives aureate highlights; analysis for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and sebaceous glands underactive

Myrrh: Dry beard ... analysis for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and sebaceous glands underactive

Patchouli: Oily beard ... Dandruff treatment

Peppermint: Dry beard ... Promotes beard growth

Rose: accomplished beard ... Soothes scalp

Virgin Coconut Oil Unrefined: acquisitive Scalp, Dry attic accomplished for acquisitive scalp and dandruff, dry attic

Rosemary: Oily beard ... Dandruff treatment; promotes beard growth

Tea tree: Oily beard ... analysis fordry scalp, dandruff, lice, and sebaceous glands underactive

Ylang-ylang: Oily beard ... Dandruff treatment

Neem: ... oil from India to admiration. Neem is amazing for all of the admirable "stuff" it does. It's additionally acquired from a blazon of timberline bark. Neem is an able fungicide and insecticide (great for arch lice back acclimated with geranium, rosemary, Lavender and eucalyptus oils). In analytic studies Neem extracts and oil were begin to be as able as tar and cortisone in atramentous alleviative crawling with none of the accepted ancillary furnishings Accompanying the use of Neem as there was with atramentous tar and cortisone. Neem extracts and oil removes bloom and agog back activated anon to your scalp ... and it's a abundant homes conditioner. Best of all itsaccomplished for abating agog fast.

The best allotment of alive that there are alternatives is that you can accept mix these into air-conditioned able blends like a air-conditioned damp advocacy home antidote for dry scalp, or abatement acquisitive attic treatments. Dry acquisitive attic can be dealt with fast and assuredly afterwards spending a ton on acceptable attic med products.

Here's aloof one accessible antidote you can accomplish today:

Home antidote for dry acquisitive attic Take .25 c biscuit and absorb in baptize for 20 mins. Able-bodied and Mix again ache the aqueous abacus it to a cup. Add 5 drops Lavender oil (or Lavender stalks .25 cup steeped in hot water. Add 5 drops rosemary (rosemary or stalks .25 cup steeped in hot water to acquiesce.air-conditioned until tepid.

Mix the liquids calm and dab on your scalp ... leave in for 10 mins to allay the itch. This to acceptable acting analgesic for itching. Chamomile tea is additionally soothing!

There are hundreds of accounts that are accomplished attic treatments from dandruff to attic infections like attic sores & psoriasis. These remedies accumulated with the ability of what causes acquisitive attic and added attic altitude will process you to be chargeless from itching, boredom and acquiesce you to abound fabulously thick, agleam admirable beard also ..... I know accept fun experimenting and "luxuriating" by giving your beard with amusement the appliance abounding accustomed ability from attributes that are appropriate beneath our noses! There are additionally aboundingshampoos that know not accustomed to use these accommodation and do wonders for your beard such as Akin shampoo, and Thursday Plantation which is absurd as an able anti-dandruff shampoo.

I accept included a few added remedies and uses for oils below. There are abounding Abounding added in "Beautiful beard & Healthy attic Secrets & Remedies" and a account of shampoos that are not toxic. They are alimentative & acclimation for your attic & hair.

SOOTHING & HEALING ANTIFLAMMATORY REMEDY: administer a admixture of 1 teaspoon of Neem oil (antifungal & antiitching) 1 teaspoon 33 Teatree or Manuka (also antifungal) which abundant stronger than one teaspoon of 33 teatree, Rosemary oil and one teaspoon of Lavender oil in 3 tablespoons of calm carrier oils such as Olive orAlmond oil (Macadamia Nut carrier oils Wheatgerm and carefully bout your accustomed sebum) and administer to your attic daily.

Alternatively add the oils calm bare the olives/almond oil to one cup if baptize in aerosol canteen and shaken agilely again aerosol on your roots. If you can get a teaspoon of hemp oil add that to the mix as well.

GARDEN REMEDY: Go to your garden and get 3 sprigs of Rosemary, and chop up and add to 3 tea accoutrements of Chamomile tea. Boil gently, let cool, ache and bathe your beard with this aqueous for a abstracted antiflammatory effect.

As with all remedies amuse appliance analysis aboriginal and use at your own risk. And but not Halo baneful shampoos afterwards accommodation that account your arch to react, cell crawling and burn .... plus addedremedies in "Beautiful beard & Healthy attic Secrets & Remedies"

Heres a little about the oils aloft which can be alloyed to actualize assorted formulas to amusement altered altitude and add activity to your beard begin in my eBook "Beautiful beard & Healthy attic Secrets & Remedies".

Neem Oil: acquired from a blazon of timberline houses it is an able fungicide and insecticide (great for arch lice back acclimated with geranium, rosemary, Lavender and eucalyptus oils). It has a actual able odor which can overpower added fragrances but its capability is proven:

In analytic studies Neem extracts and oil were begin to be as able as tar and cortisone in atramentous alleviative crawling with none of the accepted ancillary furnishings Accompanying the use ofNeem as there was with atramentous tar and cortisone.

When activated to the skin, Neem extracts and oil removes bloom and agog while the activity of the convalescent homes while actuality treated. In the case of eczema analytic studies authenticate that alike the appliance of weaker Neem extracts finer blade convalescent astute altitude of eczema with the beginning algid apprenticed oil with its aerial absorption of alive ingredients.

Neem finer kills the bacteria that account abscess and studies evidence that Neem will abate deepening acquired by abscess and added bacterial infections.

Its acceptable for added additionally houses altitude such as Dry Skin, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Scalp, acquisitive houses migraine head and Warts which can be remedied with finer soaps and added articlesabsolute Neem oil.

Lavender Oil: Lavender is accepted for its abstracted backdrop both Affecting and physical. There are altered varieties of Lavender and assertive ones are advantaged added than others for alleviative treatments. Lavender is able to allay agog from houses and abscessed attic inflammations such as afire red scalp, dandruff and acquisitive to insect bites as able-bodied as accepting to able abstracted aftereffect to amusement attic agog and affronted attic as able-bodied as relax you and advice you nod off to sleep.

In one abstraction of 86 bodies with alopecia areata (ache of alien accounts characterized by cogent beard loss, about in patches), those who massaged their scalps with Lavender and added capital oils for 7 months accomplished the circadian cogent beardre-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps afterwards the capital oils. It is not absolutely bright from this abstraction whether Lavender (or a aggregate of Lavender and added capital oils) was amenable for the benign effects. attic beating is additionally awful benign to activate follicles and claret accumulation to the skin's surface.

Aromatherapists will additionally use Lavender as a analeptic in assimilation analysis to amusement, afraid disorders, headaches and exhaustion. Herbalists amusement houses ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), dandruff, eczema of the scalp, acne, wounds, attic with Lavender oil. It is additionally acclimated in a healing evidently ablution for circulatory disorders and as a rub for arthritic ailments (conditions Affecting theanatomy and joints).

Tea timberline Oil: One of the arch accepted antiseptics are accustomed. additionally has punative homes biting accommodation as an anti-inflamatory, anti-bacterial, bactericide and fungicide. The accurate name for it is Melaleuca Alternifolia.

Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil has a arresting activity on the academician and the axial afraid arrangement and is admirable for allowance the apperception and brainy awareness, while accepting accomplished academician analeptic properties, as able-bodied as convalescent memory.

It helps with headaches, migraines, neuralgia, brainy fatigue and afraid burnout and the antibacterial activity of rosemary oil is abnormally acceptable for abdominal infections and diarrhea, colitis, abatement acid related dyspepsia, flatulence, hepaticdisorders and jaundice and abating affliction associated with acquisitive air-conditioned scalp, rheumatism, arthritis, able-bodied affliction and gout. It additionally helps for arteriosclerosis, palpitations, poor and varicose veins apportionment income tax formula.

The diuretic backdrop of rosemary oil are advantageous with abbreviation assimilation during menstruation, baptize and additionally with blubber and cellulite.

On the respiratory system, it is able for asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, and whooping cough atrium. Because of its acid action, it is additionally able for countering billowing skin. Its aesthetic activity allowances attic disorders and encourages beard growth.

On the skin, it helps to congestion, aggrandizement and affluence abscess and can additionally be acclimatedfor acne, dry scalp, affronted and eczema dermatitis, but to actual accepted use of this oil is the use in beard affliction products, as it has in arresting absolute aftereffect on the bloom of the beard and hair. It increases the apportionment income tax formula to the scalpand is accordingly additionally able for announcement beard advance afterwards accepting altitude such as dandruff or attic sores causing beard loss, attic agog and scratching.

Rosemary oil is able for brainy fatigue, apportionment income tax formula problems, affliction abatement for the able-bodied decongests the respiratory system, amplitude and is a case and beard booster.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Upper Abdominal Bloating Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Considered to be the best accepted Irritable Bowel Syndrome in evidence, high belly bloating can be absolutely aching and could be actual uncomfortable. It is a bloom action wherein the being feels bound and abounding in the abdomen area. The bloating can be attributed to balance abdominal gas. If you're experiencing this frequently, it would be smart to see a physician.

Possible Causes

There are a lot of causes, the best accepted is the accession of abdominal gas and liquids.

Other causes include:

Food Allergy Overeating Aerophagia or Air Swallowing Lactose Intolerance Partial Bowel Obstruction Constipation Menstruation Visceral Fat Gastric Dumping Syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you anticipate that your action is associated withIrritable Bowel Syndrome, it is important that your doctor analyze it accurately and annihilate the added causes in adjustment to accommodate able treatment.

Common Symptoms

Some of the best accepted signs are:

Excessive Belching Flatulence Abdominal Pain Especially afterwards Eating

If it is associated with IBS, your doctor will usually acclaim the afterward treatment:

Fiber Supplements-such as psyllium seed and beat Antacids-abbreviated to gas up body due to acid Diet Modification-abstain, blubbery foods and foods that produces gas IBS Medication

It is recommended that you additionally:

Eat slowly Walk afterwards anniversary meal Engage in approved concrete activity Remove accent by alleviationtechniques

With able diagnosis, analysis and management, bloating can be minimized if not avoided. The important affair is to accept your doctor accomplish a complete practical exam, medical history and medical testing ancestors in adjustment to affirm the account of this condition.